Plan For Your Dreams to Make Them Come True

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  1. Allegra, what a great post! I had to laugh at your rhetorical questions in your second paragraph — how many times have I gone to bed wishing a project would just do itself in the middle of the night! Alas, it never has happened : (

    I believe that God gives us dreams and will help us carry them out, but if we lose heart and give up, those dreams will not materialize. You gave some wonderful suggestions for keeping our dreams alive. I have some goals in different areas of my life that are written down on 3×5 cards and put into a small WalMart paper photo album. My goal (!) is to read them every day to keep them in front of me. It’s only as we are intentional that things will happen in our lives.

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Pastor Sherry,
      You are the second person to tell me about the 3×5 cards, I had never heard that idea. And as we are intentional, the right things, the good things, the best things happen in our lives. And dreams are often so big and powerful they must come from somebody greater than you and I. Have a powerful week!

  2. Irene Pereira says:

    Hello Allegra

    To be able to dream is to be able to conquer (may it be fear or obstacles in your way).

    I like your saying that there is a reason why you dream.
    Dreams can be so powerful as whoever dares to dream dares to succeed.

    Once one have decided to pursue their dreams one must prepare themselves to be mentally and physically challenged. Be prepared to successfully plan ahead and stick to it till they succeed.

    Great post Allegra

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Irene,
      I think you’re right. Whenever you try to do something big you must prepare for challenges. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.
      Thanks for the compliment and I hope you have a great week!

  3. Adrian Campbell says:

    I like your points on preparing your environment. This is a part of the process that people typically leave out when working towards a major goal or dream. You have an environment that allows you to work on your success and allow you to make good decisions. If you are trying to achieve goals in an environment that is uninviting to what you are trying to achieve you are making unnecessary barriers for yourself.

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Adrian,
      Yes! Your environment can be an unnecessary barrier to your success. I think it simply doesn’t occur to people that 1) their environment can be holding them back or 2) they can change it if they want to. So many people feel powerless and feel like life is happening to them. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Steve-Personal Success Factors says:

    Allegra, I can sense the faith and vision in you while you were writing these words. It’s great to be in the company of other dreamers and visionaries! Thanks for going a step further to give us tips of the “How” of getting started. I liked what someone wrote about putting goals down on 3×5 cards and photos and carrying them in a binder to review often. Brian Tracy has also suggested writing goals in the forms of positive affirmations.

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Steve,
      Thank you, kind sir! I have to admit, I have created small pictures of goals and synced them to my smartphone so I can look at them any time I feel like it. And I have recorded myself repeating affirmations and synced them to my phone also. I had not heard of the 3×5 cards but thanks for sharing another interesting idea. All valuable tools are welcome. Have a great week!

  5. Hello Allegra,

    I completely agree with you, we can learn plenty form small children. Especillay those who are not shy and speak openly. They are unforgivinging when we learn new langauges, they do not miss a trick unlike some adults who just let things lie! Children laugh and we know we’ve made a mistake! Sadie

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Sadie,
      One of my favorite things about children is that they don’t seem to have hidden agendas. If they are thinking it, we know it! I hope you’re having a powerful week! Allegra

  6. I believe that success comes to those who believe in themselves, work for what they want, and rid themselves of negativity.

    On thing about children is that most of them easily forget and more easily forgive. Not holding on to bad thoughts allows us to “get out of our own way.”

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Shari,
      Sometimes it sneaks up on me! And I pride myself on my time management skills. Children are SO resilient. I don’t question God but I sure wish he had let that stick around even after we ‘matured’. I work every day on reminding myself that embarrassment and ‘failure’ are not fatal. And I love to laugh so if I give myself lots to laugh at I will always be laughing.
      Have a great week! Allegra

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