want to improve self esteem affirmations

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  1. Oliver Tausend says:

    Hi Allegra,

    powerful stuff. Low self-esteem is a deadly poison and a self-fulfilling prophecy. Positive affirmations are an awesome way to chase away the negative thoughts and emotions that are stored in our subsconscious mind. As a matter of fact, we have to take action according our affirmations.

    Thanks for sharing your insights.

    Take care


    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Oliver!
      Thanks for stopping by again! I love how you described low self-esteem as poison. That certainly elevates it to the level of import it deserves. Be well, Allegra

  2. Jorge Vazquez says:

    Great blog post Allegra. Positive affirmations will reprogram your subconscious mind and allow you to increase up your self esteem. By developing the habit of using positive affirmations regularly and consistently your subconscious will adapt to the new information it is being provided with.

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Jorge,
      Thanks for visiting my blog! It’s comforting to know that we have the power to change our lives by changing our thoughts. I hope you’re having a great day! Allegra

  3. Trish Kirby says:


    Fantastic post about affirmations. I truly believe that are a powerful tool that can make a difference in someone’s self esteem, mindset as well as success. I bought a Louise Hay book with 365 affirmations and trying to use it as much as possible. Like you said it’s hard to undo old habits but I’m patient and confident it will happen. Thank you for your post, I look forward to reading you next one!

    God Bless,

    1. Hey Trish,
      Thanks for your kind words. You are so good for my ego! I love Louise Hay! She is a really powerful writer. Have a great week! Allegra

  4. Paul Barrus says:

    Very powerful article it seems to me that using positive affirmations and raising your self esteem is similar to setting your goals and sticking with it. Your 4 points can be used just as effectively on your goals and goal setting. Thank you for your positive insight. Have your best day ever. Paul

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Paul,
      Thanks for stopping by! I see the similarities you mention between raising self-esteem and goal setting. Positive affirmations can certainly help us stay focused on our goals even when we might not be seeing results yet. Have a powerful weekend! Allegra

  5. Cori Hughes says:

    Hi Allegra!
    I really loved your post. It is so true what positive thoughts and affirmations will do for your well being. It is just amazing how simple little words can change our whole life and outlook on the future. Thanks for the post, I am sure I will be back to your blog very soon.
    Cori Hughes

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Cori –
      Thanks for the encouraging words! Thoughts are so powerful and we don’t pay them nearly enough attention. Have a great weekend! Allegra

  6. Hey Allegra!
    Great Post. Nothing can a destroy a person faster than negative self talk. I was just talking to my daughter today who is 27 and she told me that she started telling herself every day “I am lucky, good things come to me easily”. She used to have all sorts of bad stuff happen in her life. Now, she says she is attracting a ton of amazing people, prosperity, and circumstances. She said people are even saying to her “Shanna! You’re SO LUCKY!!”..pretty amazing how powerful it is huh?

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Laura –
      Thank you for sharing that powerful story about your daughter! It just gives me chills seeing the power of words coming to life. A positive thought life is no accident, it requires intention and focus. Have a POWERFUL day! Allegra

  7. Willena Flewelling says:

    Great post, Allegra! Affirmations are so very important.

    I have a vision statement, based on the steps Napoleon Hill talks about in Ch.2 of Think and Grow Rich. I say that a couple of times a day, morning and evening. Then I also have a much shorter self talk that I aim to say at least 100 times a day! Easy enough to do when filling in all those blank spaces between tasks or while doing tasks that don’t take a lot of thought.

    Willena Flewelling

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Willena –
      Hey there! I have recorded my affirmations and listen to them on my iPod or whenever I’m at one of my computers. I love it! It’s so powerful hearing my own voice telling me great and positive things. I don’t know how I got along without it.
      Take care, Allegra

  8. Melodie Kantner says:

    I love using affirmations. I agree that our self esteem is effected by negative things we think about or things or negative things people say to us. Affirmations really help focus the mind on positive things and counteract things that are negative.

    You can really change your mindset with affirmations. I have also recorded myself saying affirmations so I can hear them while I do other things or even while sleeping. It’s amazing the power of the mind. We even have the ability to reprogram our subconscious mind. Really COOL!

    1. Allegra Sinclair says:

      Hi Melodie –
      Do you find that listening to your affirmations works better at certain times of the day? I have recently begun listening to them right before I go to sleep. Interesting! Have a great week, Allegra

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